Sunday, 18 April 2010

Long Silences

I apologise for the extended radio silence. It's sometimes difficult to think of what to post here, especially when concentrating on writing the actual book.

It's been a productive month, mainly. LMS is coming along nicely after a periods of uncertainty, which I think it much the norm at about this point. It's not as if there is any doubt over the potential that the book has, but it continues to evolve and, as yet, the ending has yet to be determined. There are still the six (or so) options I've alluded to previously, though it probably comes down to a choice of two serious possibilities. At the moment I'm keeping an open mind (though I obviously favour one - but Chris favours the other).

I've been thoroughly transfixed by the impact of the volcano eruption in Iceland and the effects on European air-travel. As I write, UK air-space is still closed, along with much of the near continent, but the airlines are now disputing the necessity of this action. I can see both sides - and I've read the account of BA9 over Jakarta in 1982 (the website is currently over limit, can't imagine why, but I urge you to read it!), but the airlines are claiming their test flights are experiencing no issues.

Frankly, I'm just happy that I have no plans to fly anywhere anytime soon.

The travel chaos has had an unfortunate effect on the London Book Fair. In all honestly this year is the first time I've even been aware of the fair. Somewhat selfishly, though, the absences could work in my favour. My agent (amongst others) suddenly finds herself with more free time than expected, and some of that could well be used to harass (nicely) those editors who are still reviewing THE LONG SECOND and BROKEN.

Every cloud, and all that. Including volcanic ash clouds, apparently.

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