Wednesday, 15 June 2011


A short post today with no new information.

I'm taking 24-hours to pause, catch my breath and reflect on what's been achieved so far and what's still to be done.

At some point I need to start writing again, too. I honestly don't know how to fit it all in.

There are still a number of things to be resolved, replies pending from various other third parties which might be important and might change the whole course of the next few weeks.

But please bear with me, and please keep spreading the word if you can!

I'll announce the competition winner tomorrow - Thursday 16th - nobody guessed the correct result (a disappointing 6.2 - considering how much I'd done to try to reduce it from 6.4 that was a shock, but the doctor seems content, so I'm not worrying!) so I'll do some kind of random draw and email the lucky winner. There will, of course, be a delay in dispatching the book seeing as I still haven't received my proof copy (I'm looking at alternative printers). In the meantime, I'll offer the winner a free copy in electronic form too (not signed, obviously).

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